Banana Vs Peach Lowlighter
Struggling to choose between our bestselling Peach and Banana Lowlighters?
Find the perfect shade for you with our easy guide.
Struggling to choose between our bestselling Peach and Banana Lowlighters?
Find the perfect shade for you with our easy guide.
Banana Lowlighter:
• Ideal for brightening and colour-correcting the skin
• A soft highlight that complements fair-medium skin tone beautifully
• Yellow undertones cancel out peach and red imperfections on the skin. Also helps cancel out cool colours such as blue or purple or grey, on a fair-medium skin.
Peach lowlighter:
• Ideal for brightening and colour-correcting the skin
• A soft, natural looking highlight that complements deeper skin tones and mature complexions beautifully
• Peach undertone helps cancel out cool colours such as deep blue, purple or grey
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